124 Days
21 Books Read
19 Books Reviewed
6 Funky poems composed
2 Vodcasts made
That was 2021 in a nutshell for THE BOOK GULLY.
I think the year 2021 turned out to be more significant than its predecessor 2020. Last year, I finally quit my flying career of ten years, to pursue writing, full time. Well, to be honest I was the unfortunate part of the huge laid off that happened because of the pandemic, and I wont lie, it felt immensely betraying. The limited dopamine and serotonin eventually convinced me to see the negative circumstance as an opportunity, and pursue my interest in writing. On a personal front, since then I have written almost 144,000 words. Well, of course not all of them were for the blog, but a mere 5 percent. The remaining 95 percent went down for my two manuscripts, which I am working hard to convert into published fiction novels (whose launch dates and buying links would be published in the website, so stay tuned for that!).
THE BOOK GULLY being still a four-month-old baby, is very small. I am almost proud of how much it has done since its very first blog published, 124 days ago. Apart from reviewing books, and writing poems here, through this cool platform I am always in lookout for fellow writers for possible collaborations, and new authors, editors, publishers to make new vodcasts, from different languages all across the globe. If you would like to be a part of the vodcasts, or collaborate for reviewing books or writing poems, drop me an email at jayshreemdas@gmail.com, alternatively connect through our social media platforms.
See you soon next year!